Thursday, October 10, 2013

Rhetorical questions??

I would like to know at age 61 why we spend billions on countries that hate us, but we have millions of people here in the U.S. who live in poverty, are truly hungry and many without shelter? Why do we fight a war on terrorism in foreign lands, but when a psycho kills people,e.g. in the Ft. Hood event,it's just a " workplace shooting? Why do I have to accept that illegal immigrants should have the same benefits as I do,a law abiding citizen? Why should I have Obamacare pushed down my throat if I don't want it, but our corrupt and self-serving Washington politicians are exempt from it? Why do our mental health services, juvenile court system and schools' political correctness/ limitations create a perfect storm where children fall through cracks( more like crevices), because all young people should have the benefit of the doubt - over and over- until something "tragic" happens? Why do more and more people I meet, who profess to be Christian, seem hypocritical? Why,in such an evolved country, are we seeing a coarsening of attitudes and manners,with civility and dignified behavior being pushed out more and more for Miley Cyrus type crudeness, and even " smart" people resorting to pettiness, finger pointing and name calling? Why am I supposed to care about my environmental footprint while there's fracking, GMOs,toxic waste dumps and corporate plundering that more than negate my efforts? Why does every sensible person have a budget of sorts, but our taxpayer money is squandered by government ineptitude and outmoded practices,an obvious example of which is the bloated, indebted postal service which could have been trimmed down to 3 or 4 days service a week, a few years ago? Why should I care if prisoners don't have cable tv, fitness equipment,and computers while many senior citizens can't afford such items? In a world of apathy, I wonder why should I care?

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