Friday, October 18, 2013

five senses

Graying hair, wrinkles, sagging here and there, aches and pains... The inevitable March of Time... but they add up to being a survivor, and God isn't done with me yet, as the old adage goes. I have many blessings to count, starting with having all five senses.Sitting quietly on the back deck this morning, I could see the beautiful, cloudless, cerulean sky and the tall trees magnificently dressed in autumn colors.I could hear the constant chirping of the migrating birds as I listened to some sweet,small children laughing while they joyously rode their little bikes. The satisfying taste of the freshly ground French Roast coffee warmed me, and the delicious bagel with cream cheese delighted my taste buds. Someone was burning fallen leaves( isn't that illegal now),and that familiar Fall smell brought cheerful memories of childhood campfires and jumping into piles of raked leaves before my father would inevitably light them on fire. I also enjoyed the intoxicating aroma of my robust coffee as I savored that luxurious second cup, even as that ceramic container doubled as a hand warmer. The sunshine made my skin tingle and took away the goosebumps from the early morning coolness. And I thought of a wonderful Bible verse just then. " Be still and know that I am God." I am thankful for my aging body, because I am still blessed to see, hear, smell, taste and touch the small every day wonders around me.

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