Thursday, August 1, 2013


Books have been a huge part of my life.My mom didn't really read to us when we were toddlers, but I always saw her reading, and I found that to be a wonderful example for what to do when you have spare time( or make time). My dad liked to read war stories, but that genre never really has appealed to me. Every day, however, I would see my dad reading the paper all the way through.I, as a very young kid, would read the comic strips and that was about it, but I eventually picked up his habit, and read the paper along side him.When I was seven, my mom gave me her collection of "Nancy Drew" books, which she got when she was a little girl.It was to be my" summer reading". Her books were first editions from the Thirties, when she was growing up, and I treasure them. "The Hidden Staircase" was the first one I read, and I was hooked.That plain covered, blue book with a slightly musty smell and a frayed corner is one of my personal treasures.I read every one of those books in two weeks, and that marked the beginning of my wearing eyeglasses. I was obsessed with going to the local library and checking out as many books as I could carry at one time. I started with mysteries, because of the Keene books, so I read all the Agatha Christie novels.I constantly had a book in my hand. I couldn't get enough. I was in seventh heaven when I was reading.I still feel that way.

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