Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ghastly behavior

I know that I'm part of the older generation now, but I am appalled by so many of the young celebrities of today.There is such degeneration, debauchery and self-aggrandizement, but what concerns me mainly is that this cult of ( debatable) celebrity seems to preoccupy the young mind of the average preteen, and we have a marked and obvious deterioration of values and morals in the 21st Century.Cyrus, Bieber, Lohan and their ilk - really? These are the " role models" for today's teens? Sadly, these marginal talents are no longer aberrations ; they are becoming the dubious norm. I cringe with disgust.I feel a melancholia for the loss of childhood innocence; I have nostalgia for a PG life, where cursing isn't every third word, violence is not graphically exhibited, and sex acts are left to the imagination. Yes, there's backlash at times , but unfortunately, the malevolent trend is towards more debasement, increased crudeness and lessened civility. Thwarting this overt affront is unlikely, and the sad headlines could read: "The Fall of Western Civilization" " The Tip of the Societal Iceberg", "Perversion as Preference ", and "Reality Shows are our Reality."Instead of this disheartening level of mediocrity and insipidness, give me Medal of Honor recipients, good Samaritans, philanthropy, volunteerism, sacrifice and general positive behavior and attitude.I am so over the glorification of the lowest common denominators and their vulgarity.These young celebrities are imploding; I hope our country doesn't.

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