Thursday, August 8, 2013


I am a Christian, specifically a Protestant who is a member of Hillside United Methodist Church in Woodstock. I have worshipped at Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches many times, but I grew up in the Methodist community, and it is my preferred worship style. To me, I can attend any Christian service,because all Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God, but I feel at home spiritually with moderates.I am not an ultra conservative. I don't like to proselytize.Fundamentalism doesn't attract me. Whether Morman, Quaker, Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, to me it just matters that, whatever the "church " family, one acknowledges ultimately all these factions are part of the same faith system- Christianity.I understand the premises of other religions such as Buddhism,Islam, Judaism, having taken World Religions classes.I have heard the agnostic and atheist points of view.Ok. I am not a judge; I don't want to be one.All I can say with certitude is that I am a Christian, and I believe the "Apostles' Creed" and joyfully sing the "Gloria Patri". I say the Lord's Prayer often. I find joy in my faith and feel blessed by His grace.I love God; I love Jesus; I am thankful for the Holy Spirit. This is a rare moment for me to say all this. I usually don't give unsolicited opinions or ad hoc speeches, and I believe that my family, friends and acquaintances know that I respect their point of view, although I may not agree with it.I trust that respect will be reciprocated. I leave you with Aaronic blessing, Numbers 6: 24-26. "May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine onto you and be gracious to you, and give you peace. Amen."

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