Friday, September 20, 2013

Over 10,000 views-thank you

Last night my blog spot hit over 10,000 views. That might not seem like many hits to lots of people who are used to social media , but I am very humbled and appreciative of the viewers who bother to read what I write.Sometimes I write fluff; sometimes I rant ; sometimes I write stream- of - consciousness;sometimes I try to be " literary." However, I always write for myself, because it is cathartic and often confessional.If you like what I write- whether you agree with me or not- it’s just icing on the proverbial cake, and I sincerely thank you for your support.I started writing my blog on St.Pat's Day and this is my 14Oth post, so I write a paragraph or so almost every day, except during some vacations.By the way,friends have asked me what my blog title LDSRO means.Well,it's all my initials, former and current ( Linda Diann Shelton Ross Orfale).If there are any posts you haven't read, you can access them by the months listed on the right column. Titles of the most viewed posts ,if you wish to read them, are: Coffins, 4/27;Jim,5/2; somnambulism, 4/30; anger,5/9; Broken,5/16; abused, 5/11;trapped,5/31; the Bell Blinks, 6/10; living in France, 6/11; Adam,6/27; sorry,7/20; notes to self,8/7; and ennui, 9/18. My goal is eventually to publish a short story/ poetry collection by expanding some of these fledgling remarks.I welcome any constructive comments/ criticism you may care to make. Thanks again for contributing to this modest milestone.

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