Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A cautionary tale

Obsessed with her own elegance,Constance,vapid trophy wife, continued to stare narcissistically at her wrinkle free, Botox filled face, looking critically for any obvious flaw that would mar the surgical improvements she had recently paid quite dearly to achieve. With the swelling and bruising gone,her successful facelift left her looking refreshed and youthful, and Connie ( this nickname seemed so working class to her) wondered when she should schedule her breast augmentation and tummy tuck, which were long overdue in her mind.She was reminded of the thigh liposuction which had been Con's first foray into modifying her dissatisfying appearance and ridding herself of her grotesque cellulite,and once that had been happily accomplished, she had decided to treat herself to the removal of the horrendous stretch marks from the inconvenient pregnancy which had played havoc with her once model- like, toned,lithe body. C - her pet name from her husband Marc- was thankful that she had avoided the pernicious breast feeding regimen, but when she studied her chest, the slight sagging made her frown, and she longed to be"perky" again. C's physical " to do" list was growing, but the first things were the afternoon's scheduled Brazilian wax and getting her highlights touched up.Tonight she would make passionate love to Marc, and tomorrow would be her big day; she hadn't been seen in public since her facial procedure, and Marc's architectural achievements would be showcased at the celebrity fundraiser tomorrow evening. She would be resplendent by his side wearing her form fitting, long, black silk, one shoulder evening gown , Louboutin heels and Winston jewels. Her cosmetics and hair would be done by her friend's stylist, and she felt as excited as her wedding day, eight years ago. She would have the limelight, she would be the prettiest she had ever been, and she anticipated the perfect end to a perfect evening, when she would ingest the quick acting poison and die in Marc's arms, never to grow old. Her toddler son would be just fine, she assured herself.0h, she realized that she was going to be late for her waxing; she needed to get going.

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