Sunday, December 15, 2013

Snowflakes and Sophocles

The elaborate, beautiful pattern in a single snowflake amazes me. So fragile to the touch, so elegant in and of itself, yet it becomes an incredible force when added to so many other wondrous flakes, so that a powerful snowfall ensues. In the same way, beginning with one word,and adding more and more, profound statements are written and can become an immense influence for good. David's "Psalms " are like that, and I have always been drawn to the Greek writers of Antiquity.I never tired of discussing Euripides' or Sophocles' plays while I was teaching. Their relevance and universality are as fresh as 2500 years ago. That is staying power,as is Shakespeare's work from 400 years ago.The absolute beauty of a well- drawn and thought -provoking phrase is very seductive to me, and, therefore, I feel very inadequate when I write. It's not that I want everything I voice to be pithy, but to surround myself with the art, music and writings of geniuses is both gratifying and humbling, and how could I possibly express myself better than they have? Well, I can't.Just as the glorious beauty of Nature leaves me breathless and awed. Whether a delicate snowflake or the grandeur of a spectacular sunset, we are fortunate to have the free gifts of God, as well as ready access to the amazing brainpower and writings of old. The adage applies, "the best things in Life are free."

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