Friday, March 29, 2013


I love singing in the church choir.I have been regularly doing it for about five years. Now, I didn't say that I am a good singer, but I know how to read music, and I can sing usually on pitch. If a note is too high for me, I drop an octave. If a note is too low for me, I go up an octave.I have a very limited range - about two octaves( on a good day).Solos aren't for me(except Napoleon Solo). I have very dear friends in the group, and they are excellent, trained musicians; e.g., Kim sings for the Atlanta City Opera and also sings Rock- how's that for multi- faceted? Yet despite my limitations - as well as others in the "Chancel Choir" - there isn 't stress or intimidation, and I guess I add some levity to the rehearsals.You can imagine that the toughest schedule is near Christmas and Easter, with extra long rehearsals for the biannual concerts we do ( often cantatas in foreign languages), besides of course the regular Sunday worship times. So this is a busy week for me culminating on Sunday. This kind of busy is good, and I am certain that I will sing beautifully in Heaven;I hold on to that thought.

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