Saturday, August 2, 2014

14 things I know I know

1. The phrase "real Love is unconditional" is not a universal, therefore, false. 2. Compassion and kindness are wonderful qualities unless you are dealing with a sociopath; then they are seen as weakness. 3. Not all kids are basically "good" and can be saved; some are downright evil. 4. If you are an upstanding, hardworking, law-abiding, middle class person,you will be eventually screwed by at least one of the institutions for which you pay exorbitant taxes. 5. Traveling( even to another city) is essential for the mind, body and spirit. 6. One solid, faithful friend is a blessing; more than one is a miracle. 7. There is no excuse to be an uninformed/ low information voter, and blind, unthinking partisanship equally sucks. 8.Perfect moments are possible; they just don't last. 9. The United States is still the best country, despite its flaws and decline. 10.The intelligentsia is now in the minority.11. Sons and daughters are a person's greatest joy and greatest pain.12. Men rarely understand women.13. Life would be dreary without books, music,art and lots of wine. 14.I have a better quality of life - actually a very good quality of life- than the majority of people in the world,and for that, I'm thankful.

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