Friday, March 21, 2014

Excellence -speech rough draft for keynote address

Why, when given options , would you ever accept mediocrity for yourself? Choose excellence! Aristotle once said, "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit." According to Oxford Dictionary excellence is: The state of surpassing ordinary standards, having extreme merit,or diligence and perseverance to excel in any given pursuit." Decide to be excellent!Tonight, you have been chosen for induction into the National Honor Society, because of your well-rounded excellence which distinguishes you from many of your high school peers.You have demonstrated that excellence in the four pillars of NHS- academics, leadership, service and character. To me the striving for continued excellence not only is to be valued but is a virtuous, lifelong endeavor.Someone once quipped that "excellence is not an event but a lifestyle.Continuing to execute one thing at a time excellently defines who you will become." Foster that excellence.Continue with your proven academic commitment and determination, and you will reach your goals with excellence.Excellence is not a skill but rather an essential focused attitude which develops the skills you seek.[insert anecdote] Strive to do better and to be better.Have high expectations for yourself, but be humble. Thank your parents, teachers,coaches and others who have nurtured that excellence; you would not have gotten this far ,so successfully, without their support and encouragement. Don't forget that! I want to close with a poem by Brian Tracy entitled "Change Your World." [insert poem]. Congratulations on this prestigious accomplishment, and continue to choose excellence. Thank you. 0ver 45 years ago I sat in a venue similar to this awaiting my NHS induction too. I 'll never forget that the speaker talked about how important it is to always strive for excellence, that it should be the mettle we are made of.For instance, Everyone expects excellent service when needed. If you were to get surgery would you want a doctor who had the reputation of getting average results? This prestigious rite of passage has been steeped in tradition and honor since 1921,and it is not outdated because excellence never goes out of style.It is always relevant.Cal Ripkin, Van Cliburn, Katie couric, Meryl Streep,presidents and many other extraordinarily talented and excellent people in their respective fields began their " most excellent adventures" with this accolade. Good evening inductees and guests.

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