Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Rof B - PO Box 1217, part two

The seedy motel did not have any cameras. Pauline made sure of that weeks ago. The old stained bathtub was filled and they placed the unconscious naked boy in the water. Using the switchblade,Sharon cut deep lines in the boy's wrists.The knife dropped into the bloody water, and Atilla's body was half submersed.Atila's clothes were rumpled on the floor, and he had fake ID in one of his pockets, along with about $70 which they left alone. He never regained consciousness. Alina checked for a pulse a little while later,and there wasn't one.It will appear to be a suicide. The quartet left the truck and its contents for the police to investigate. Alina had almost vomited when she looked under the tarp.Three dead, decomposing infants.What the hell? The four women have not been told the reasons behind Jill's project choices, but so far,discovering Phyrrus' pedophilia, Sexton's massive fraud,and Atila's infanticide is enough. The ladies leave very quietly around 4 am, and once in the car pull off their latex gloves which they have worn since midnight. They pick up Alina's car at the theater, and then they go have breakfast at the same Waffle House where Atila was earlier. They are all hungry.They discover that they all like rare steak. Another job finished, they will sleep well tonight.

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