Saturday, August 24, 2013

Illegal immigrant B.S.

Why do we focus giving funds to illegal immigrants when we could give that money to military families and vets? Why should illegal immigrants have any benefits? Do I feel sorry for illegals? NO. What part of the word illegal don't they understand? Oh wait, they don't speak English. So let's make sure we have signage all over the place in their native language, and make sure they get emergency healthcare to boot.Tie the hands of the police, so to speak, so they can't enforce deportation laws, and hey, aren't cities like San Francisco great when they are "safe haven" cities? Also, I'm glad I don't live in border towns in the Southwest. What a nightmare that is for residents and police there! Oh yea - don't call them illegal aliens - that's so offensive , they decry. Then stay the hell away - or go back to where you came from.Get in the line with all the other people who are trying to enter lawfully.Immigration reform is just code for amnesty, and the gravy train. Am I racist ,because I don't like the illegal immigrant problem? Some people would say, "yes" , but the key word is ILLEGAL. Of course, ten years from now, I will be saying the same thing, but by then, it will not only be exponentially worse, the gov't will be harping, "if only we had done something meaningful a decade ago." It's all so exasperating.

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