Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Off line until 9/3
Driving to Tybee Island - without electronics until 9/3. I'm going to unplug in more ways than one. The beach will be the only medication I will need, and good for the soul.
Ghastly behavior
I know that I'm part of the older generation now, but I am appalled by so many of the young celebrities of today.There is such degeneration, debauchery and self-aggrandizement, but what concerns me mainly is that this cult of ( debatable) celebrity seems to preoccupy the young mind of the average preteen, and we have a marked and obvious deterioration of values and morals in the 21st Century.Cyrus, Bieber, Lohan and their ilk - really? These are the " role models" for today's teens? Sadly, these marginal talents are no longer aberrations ; they are becoming the dubious norm. I cringe with disgust.I feel a melancholia for the loss of childhood innocence; I have nostalgia for a PG life, where cursing isn't every third word, violence is not graphically exhibited, and sex acts are left to the imagination. Yes, there's backlash at times , but unfortunately, the malevolent trend is towards more debasement, increased crudeness and lessened civility. Thwarting this overt affront is unlikely, and the sad headlines could read: "The Fall of Western Civilization" " The Tip of the Societal Iceberg", "Perversion as Preference ", and "Reality Shows are our Reality."Instead of this disheartening level of mediocrity and insipidness, give me Medal of Honor recipients, good Samaritans, philanthropy, volunteerism, sacrifice and general positive behavior and attitude.I am so over the glorification of the lowest common denominators and their vulgarity.These young celebrities are imploding; I hope our country doesn't.
Monday, August 26, 2013
IEPs, numerous counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, medications, community service, probation officers, juvenile court, group therapy, family counseling,ISS, detentions, Saturday scHool, summer school,virtual school,retreats, Camps, vacations, enrichment ,but most of all unconditional help,a stable and Christian home, support and Love.Put it all together and what do you get? Two very tired parents ,who have tried their upmost, and an unappreciative daughter who hasn't progressed.It is an example of genes over environment. In this particular case, you can put a fork in me; I'm done.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Just the way I am
I stopped being who I wasn't and starting being who I am. I don't need you to like me, but I'm glad if you do. I don't need you to pay me compliments, but I will trust you are being sincere,if you give me one. I can take constructive criticism( if that's what it is).I keep myself clean and groomed, but I don't dress to impress or wear makeup for effect. I can not abide ignorance, bigotry or condescension.I will tell you what I think, if solicited, and I will be honest. You may not like my lifestyle, and I may not like yours, but I will respect you and be tolerant.I expect that in return.I believe in second chances, but I will no longer be used, taken for granted, or lied to. I will say,"I'm sorry" when I'm wrong, but I,too, want an apology when warranted. I am not as flawed as some, but I am more flawed than some others. I live within my means, but I live well. I may not be a great mother and a great wife and a great friend, but I try hard to be the best mother, wife and friend I can be. I know myself a little better each day, and in the grand scheme of Humanity, I'm doing ok.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Illegal immigrant B.S.
Why do we focus giving funds to illegal immigrants when we could give that money to military families and vets? Why should illegal immigrants have any benefits? Do I feel sorry for illegals? NO. What part of the word illegal don't they understand? Oh wait, they don't speak English. So let's make sure we have signage all over the place in their native language, and make sure they get emergency healthcare to boot.Tie the hands of the police, so to speak, so they can't enforce deportation laws, and hey, aren't cities like San Francisco great when they are "safe haven" cities? Also, I'm glad I don't live in border towns in the Southwest. What a nightmare that is for residents and police there! Oh yea - don't call them illegal aliens - that's so offensive , they decry. Then stay the hell away - or go back to where you came from.Get in the line with all the other people who are trying to enter lawfully.Immigration reform is just code for amnesty, and the gravy train. Am I racist ,because I don't like the illegal immigrant problem? Some people would say, "yes" , but the key word is ILLEGAL. Of course, ten years from now, I will be saying the same thing, but by then, it will not only be exponentially worse, the gov't will be harping, "if only we had done something meaningful a decade ago." It's all so exasperating.
Friday, August 23, 2013
A divided country
We are a divided country in so many ways, and it appears that we are becoming more and more polarized, unfortunately. It seems to be an either/ or situation - for or against, and we are no longer the great country we once were. The intelligensia is the minority, and there has been a coarsening of our once strong values and ethics.
Sometimes societal "opposites" aren't opposites at all, but red herrings for selfish , self- preservation agendas.
Take Congress; many members have a ruling class mentality, and the political class has placed itself above the folk.I would love to have one term in Congress. That's all it would take to get a great pension and fabulous health care benefits for life.I think the two major political parties, per se, can't be trusted , but it's unlikely a third party would succeed in taking the presidency.It's in their personal interests to preserve the status quo, so consequently, America's decline seems inevitable. It's not so much Republicans vs Democrats. It's more nuanced than that.Socialism vs Capitalism, religion vs secularism, nanny state vs smaller gov't, cult of celebrity vs true role models, patriotism vs uninformed rebellion, takers vs givers,slackers vs workers, the blasé vs the concerned, action vs passivity. President Obama was elected and reelected;again, half the population is for and half the population is opposed to his policies.His election and reelection are historic,and that's about it. He is a smart guy and good family man, but I think he and his administration will go down in history as one of the most divisive, destructive and demoralizing presidencies ever.And for all our sacrificing,noble military , I am embarrassed by our president's mediocre leadership. We can't sustain the nation's financial burden, and we can't get a majority of politicians from both sides of the aisle to reverse it.Other problems that don 't look like they will be solved any generation soon because of polarizing opinions: immigration, Middle East, entitlements, fossil fuels, our Space program( or should I say lack of space program),higher taxes, diminishing middle class, yada, yada. It isn't uncommon for someone of my generation( or older) to have a sense of ennui and be jaded. It's sad, really, that I don't hold out a lot of hope for righting the leaning ship of state, or improving the deterioration of civility and national pride. Of course, for everything I just wrote, there will be people who adamantly disagree - the divided country dilemma.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Political correctness
I'm pretty tired of political correctness and social justice.Al Jazeera TV - really? We can't presume to do racial profiling, so let's pick Granny to get patted down at airport security.Don't say anything about Islam or that most terrorists are radical Islamists, but Christianity can be mocked. Buy hybrid cars, but they cost more money than the average person can afford. Everybody should embrace Obamacare, but Congress and the president are exempt. Be tolerant, excuse the "gansta" lifestyle, play the victimization or race card, feel ashamed if you're overweight,overspend to expand the misnomer " entitlement" ( you shouldn't be entitled;you should earn the privileges) programs, and let's all have selective outrage.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
I have a healthy respect for animals( non- human). I like to go to zoos and aquariums and visit them at a "safe" distance. Rhinos, giraffes, tigers, apes, reptiles, etc ,are all fascinating to observe, but I could never see myself as a zoo keeper,or on safari, or even working as an animal shelter volunteer.Yes, I have a pet cat, but that is about the only animal I have ever owned. I've been bitten by dogs and other creatures, and I don't much care for petting farms, animal parks and "drive through ", up close zoos. I've been to butterfly houses and aviaries,ridden horses and milked cows, tended other livestock,but , in each case, some incident has occurred that has been unpleasant. As a parent, I have taken Adam and Gina to all the above mentioned places, especially Sea World and Animal Kingdom - more than once I might add- but now that that duty is finished, I will just visit the zoo once in a blue moon to remind myself of my mild fear of creatures outside my species, although to be quite honest, my species scares the heck out of me sometimes, too.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
University stuff
As a parent I am annoyed with the"fees" at KSU. I realize that this is a universal problem for parents whose kids go to public universities - let alone private schools- but the arbitrary fees for revenue really irk me.When I was in college, the tuition was the bulk of the semester costs; now it is about a third of the expenditures, and this year, KSU is also charging students a fee to help build a football stadium, which neither we nor our son care the least about.We are charged two recreational fees( under different names), two different computer lab fees( which Adam doesn't need to use)building usage fees(really?), health services fees( whether you utilize them or not), etc, etc, etc. I don't mind paying the costs of meals because they are fairly priced and Adam partakes, but the books are outrageously priced( so he "rents " them). Universities, unfairly, are cash cows. However, thanks to our son's sensitivity and frugality,he did not choose to go to an expensive university, nor did he live on campus. He receives the HOPE scholarship, because he maintains above a 3.0 ( actually, he is on the Dean's List),and if it weren't for those darn exorbitant, price gouging fees, the cost of his schooling would be modest compared to so many other students. He has changed his major to entertainment marketing from general humanities, so that has added an extra year to his schooling. He is a second year senior, consequently, and will graduate Summer 2014. So of course, since his Marketing degree(BBA) is part of the business school, he has additional fees tacked on to each course for the privilege of being in that department. Ironically, Adam hates college,and will be overjoyed to be done with the whole thing, but he has persevered. As for me and Al, we'll be finished with being raked over the mandatory financial coals; that is until Gina starts post high school Fall 2014. #parental duty.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Caucasian, heterosexual, senior, female, retired, mother, wife,sister, conservative, Christian, Methodist, teacher, foodie, traveler,wine lover, movie critic, reader, thinker, educator,suburban, middle class, Ph.D abd,Michigander, Georgian,aunt, niece, cousin, friend,cynic,introspective, musician, blunt, Yankee,American, work-in-progress.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Bill and Gay
I have known Bill and Gay Ann Reid since I was 15. That means we've been very good friends for over 45 years, and I am excited that they will be visiting us, starting tomorrow for a few days.They were childhood sweethearts and have been married more than 40 years. They have three wonderful sons who are now married and have children of their own. Matthew, the oldest, is my darling godson, who is a Waterford policeman. I must say the whole Reid clan is the least dysfunctional family I know. They all have very calm personalities which has a soothing effect on me. I look forward to their visit and will be taking a few days off from posting.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
I'm having my second cup of coffee as I write this.Now that I am retired, Sunday has become my favorite day of the week.It is a slow motion day. I usually go to church and sing in the choir, except during the summer, and when I don't go, I watch the church of "the Jammie whammies" as Ms. Loretta calls Ministry shows on TV( I like watching Joyce Meyer especially). I read the once wonderful "Atlanta Journal Constitution"( newspapers, in general, are shadows of their former selves) and always read the now shrunken"Parade" which I've thoroughly enjoyed since I was a child. I slowly do a couple loads of laundry and pet our old cat CJ. Plants are watered and breakfast is made at a leisurely pace.I check email and Facebook and write a blog post, while listening to some Beethoven. I make a new recipe for dinner- today it's baked scallops au gratin- and Adam comes over and we have a family meal.We have " appointment" TV at 9pm, "Dexter" then my new favorite show "Ray Donovan".Usually I watch HBO as well, when"Boardwalk Empire"returns and "Game of Thrones", that is. Other chores and errands are done on other days, and Sunday is spent with the family.It is good; it feels restful and the day seems longer,and although not a lot of "stuff" is going on, the time is meaningful and luxurious. I relish this.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Little luxuries
I am grateful for having more than just my basic needs met. I'm not rich, but I am,indeed, comfortable and can afford certain " luxuries " which are great to have. 1st and foremost is our king sized Sleep Number bed. We each can adjust how firm or soft we want the bed to be on our own "sides ". The head of the bed raises for reading or watching TV.We've had the bed for five or so years and it is truly awesome. Other wonderful little luxuries are down pillows and Egyptian cotton sheets. Therefore, I sleep well at home. Also,we have a 60 inch LCD smart tv with separate sound board and sub woofer, so watching movies in our family room is really a satisfying experience.I don't rush out and see a new release movie much any more. I love my IPad, Kindle ,smart phone and PC -again, comfort and ease. We have 2 refrigerators, and when we have company ,especially,it's great to have the extra space.Could I do without these items in my life? Sure, but we could afford to buy them, and they have proven to be very satisfying. Again, I know there are people with much less than we have and there are people with much more than we have.I feel blessed to have these creature comforts, and I am content.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
I am a Christian, specifically a Protestant who is a member of Hillside United Methodist Church in Woodstock. I have worshipped at Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches many times, but I grew up in the Methodist community, and it is my preferred worship style. To me, I can attend any Christian service,because all Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God, but I feel at home spiritually with moderates.I am not an ultra conservative. I don't like to proselytize.Fundamentalism doesn't attract me. Whether Morman, Quaker, Baptist, Catholic, Protestant, to me it just matters that, whatever the "church " family, one acknowledges ultimately all these factions are part of the same faith system- Christianity.I understand the premises of other religions such as Buddhism,Islam, Judaism, having taken World Religions classes.I have heard the agnostic and atheist points of view.Ok. I am not a judge; I don't want to be one.All I can say with certitude is that I am a Christian, and I believe the "Apostles' Creed" and joyfully sing the "Gloria Patri". I say the Lord's Prayer often. I find joy in my faith and feel blessed by His grace.I love God; I love Jesus; I am thankful for the Holy Spirit. This is a rare moment for me to say all this. I usually don't give unsolicited opinions or ad hoc speeches, and I believe that my family, friends and acquaintances know that I respect their point of view, although I may not agree with it.I trust that respect will be reciprocated. I leave you with Aaronic blessing, Numbers 6: 24-26. "May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine onto you and be gracious to you, and give you peace. Amen."
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Notes to self
Things I must remind myself about: Don't keep calling someone who doesn't call or email me back.School buses are not on the road to torment me;they are transporting precious children. No matter how many attempts, the dryer doesn't automatically fold the laundry. The cat can't( or won't) clean up his own vomit or poop.Don't be fooled by the words " customer service." If I have to "press 1 for English", it probably won't turn out well. The job title " Master Technician" at the car dealership is a relative term and up for debate. Requests have obvious and hidden agendas. Look in the mirror; I am not 40 any longer; stop the delusion! If the waitress tells me that the menu item isn't "too" spicy,I may get my lips burned off. Brad Pitt will not be visiting for Christmas, neither will Liev Scrieber or Johnny Depp. I'm on the phone list of charities and political parties forever; they do not understand the words "do not call." If I want to go out for an evening, let alone a vacation trip, it is a given that I will make the arrangements for me and everyone else. Coffee means " dark colored water" for too many people; I will grin and bear it. My car has a tire pressure warning light for a reason. I can not afford to buy anything from the " Wall Street Journal" ads( repeat often for optimal belief), especially the Lamborghini that is specially priced for a limited time only.My jeans not fitting isn't because the dryer shrunk them.My husband and children don't exist to annoy me; they exist to give me unsolicited constructive criticism.(Click my heels together, and say, "There's no place like home.")Technology is not my enemy. I have enough art pieces; in fact, I have too much. I will shoot myself if I buy any more artwork. Wanting, needing and affording a facelift are three distinct ideas.I have been prone to falling all my life; I must be more careful in my geriatric years, or I will be having lots of bone replacements.My husband adores me; I am assuredly his raison d'ĂȘtre. Red wine,vodka and chocolate are loyal friends.Spandex has never looked good on me.If I buy high heels, they will last forever , because I can't wear them for more than five minutes anymore.If I have 50 dollars and spend $60 , I do not get $10 back( why not).I am my children's secretary for life. Gina is going through another "phase." The U.S. may or may not be going to Hell in a hand basket. Throw the stinking three week old " fresh" flower bouquet away. Medical bills - bills, in general- are a way of life, and assure me that, at a minimum, I will get mail to open. Nobody cares about fluffing the sofa cushions and pillows but me. If it is sunny and only 40 degrees, I still will get sunburned. God never meant for me to be a trapeze artist. Rocks were created for stubbing my toes.I tell myself that I am a collector when, in fact, I have hoarder tendencies. I will never cook as well as my mom or Tia Alicia ( but it's a goal).One day I will understand God's sense of humor and all will become clear. If I eat two slices of cheesecake, and nobody sees me do it, should I eat a brownie as well? The last thing I would want to do is be unkind ;truthful,however, can be misconstrued as unkind. Do not audition for a solo part in the choir.I can't sing, but the church choir is meant to be a tolerant and forgiving group, so I continue to be a member. Remember to be less competitive; I must stop myself from needing to win at chess, bridge, Bunco , monopoly or scrabble. ( uh, no. Scratch that last sentence.)I do not need to understand other people's desire to chew tobacco. I just need to leave the room. I am still a work in progress.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Who's counting?
I 'll be 61 years old next month. That breaks down to 732 months or 3122 weeks or 22,265 days. ( Aren't you glad, all my friends who are the same age as I, that I did that compelling math for you?)Of course,I can't consciously remember much before age 4, and there were a few blacked out( or blocked out) days in my twenties, so that's a substantial memory bank to pool ideas for blog posts, which means that I should be able to come up with 100's of note worthy paragraphs of self absorbed narcissism for your ambivalent reading pleasure. This blog is cathartic for me, and honestly, I can't believe I am sticking to it. Half century + decade + 1 year = 61. Oh my....
Monday, August 5, 2013
Wedding anniversary
8/16 is our wedding anniversary, 33 and counting. Alfredo Massad Orfale and I met on St.Paddy's Day, 1974.( Janet was with me and Bill was with Al and the place was 300 Bowl, which doesn 't even exist anymore.)I fell head over heels in love, but I resisted marriage.Six years later,our simple wedding ceremony was held on the lawn of Varner Hall at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan at 11am. It was a beautiful August day,which was fortunate , because we didn't have a planB, and our lunch reception followed at the San Marino Club in Troy. Al wore a linen suit and the purple tie that my dad had worn at my parent's wedding.He was truly dashing and handsome. I wore a knee length crem silk wrap dress, hat , very high strappy heels and the pearls my mom had worn at her wedding. We didn't wear formal dress, because I had been married before that and was a widow,and it was a daytime wedding, and we were paying for everything ourselves.However, many of our friends helped out for both the ceremony and reception, gratis, and my parents gave us a lovely rehearsal dinner as well.My sister Debra, who was my matron of honor, made my beautiful cream and lavender colored silk flower bouquet which I still have. Sue and Ruth both sang at the ceremony.Janet's band played at our reception.Michael Couture photographed everything.The best man, Michael Barzyk ( who died a few years ago) gave us our hotel stay for our wedding night at the Omni Westin Hotel.( What an insane,champagne filled, intimate after party we had there, too!) We had a modest and moderately priced wedding day, but it was certainly fun, and the klutz I am even fell down once on the dance floor (sometimes very high heels have their "downside."), so I had at least one embarrassing moment. We flew to wonderful French Canadian Montreal, Quebec, for our honeymoon. I look at our wedding photos and notice how young, thin and overjoyed we were ( of course).Fast forward to the 21st century. We renewed our vows in 2005 for our 25th anniversary, while we were on an Alaskan cruise, and made many more memorable moments. If we get to our Ruby year(40) in 2020, I think we may "renew" again.( My parents were 2 months short of their fortieth anniversary when my mom died, and I think about that sometimes.)I don 't care that in 2020 I will be 68; there will be kissing! Then I still will remember when we were 28, carefree, and newly wed.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Time travel
Time travel has always fascinated me as a sub genre of Science Fiction. Of course, the concept of moving forward and backward in time,supposes the traveler ( or traveller) to be safe to go and come as she / he wishes. That's such a liberating thought, but none of it is possible( at this time), so imagining what different eras, famous people , etc. would be like, nevertheless, satisfies the historian, anthropologist, and English teacher within me. I have fantasized about seeing my parents when they were first together, having a wonderful conversation with Shakespeare, playing with Al when he was a young boy, watching what happens to my own children after I've died, listening to Jesus, observing how the heck the pyramids were built and meeting some of my ancestors. I'm thinking about this because Dr. Who starts his 12th iteration, and my son, coincidentally, just mentioned time travel in a very brief film that was posted on you tube. I remember reading Jules Vernes' " Time Machine" , and I've been hooked on the notion ever since. I liked the movie Time Traveler's Wife" and I even enjoyed all the trifling "Back to the Future" movies.( In addition, I also love the concept of parallel universes and intelligent, nonviolent extraterrestrials.) Consequently, moving between time periods is one of the main draws I have to Allen's "Midnight in Paris". I wish it were all possible, but I'm certain that in some people's hands, controlling Time would exponentially increase Evil. Fantasy, instead of the reality, keeps the magnificent idea benign.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Musical triggers
Hearing certain songs brings forth very vivid memories of people and places. Whenever I hear "Wind Beneath my Wings", I think fondly of my mother and smile as I remember her dimples. Concerning my dad, it's "When You Walk Through a Storm", his favorite song; for some reason I think of his large, powerful hands. A whole slew of songs remind me of special moments with Alfredo, especially "Just the Way You Are", which was our first dance number at our wedding.He is an excellent dancer, and his soulful eyes make me melt. Also, anything by Santana triggers thoughts of Alfredo and Colombia. I hear "Smooth" and I think of all the times I've danced to salsa music- with or without a dancing partner. I remember dancing with Sue to "Freak Out" at the Troy Hilton, and we received applause( alcohol was involved); she has a true zest for Life! Listening to Aretha Franklin, Annie Lenox, Tina Turner and Billie Holliday always makes me fondly remember Felicia;and I remember my green leather skirt and black stiletto heels for the Lenox concert we attended together.Anything by the Doobie Brothers reminds me of bar hopping with Janet in our favorite pairs of jeans. I associate "The Rose " with Ruth as well as " The lady is a Tramp"; I've always liked her soulful voice. After many nights at Brandy's, listening to Sully, I picture him when I hear " Piano Man". I recall Jerry Libby when I hear " Take Five".Gershwin music always brings to mind Jeannine as well as her beautiful grand piano. When I hear Cocker's "You are so Beautiful to me" and Taylor's "You've got a Friend", I immediately reminisce about my sister Debra.Hymns, spirituals and gospel music remind me of Aunt Barb, Aunt Katie and Uncle Burnis, and my growing up at First Methodist Church in Pontiac. I hear Country music and I think of Pat, our shoe shopping and gambling outings, and/or my dad who always listened to it in the car while he transported all his kids to various music lessons. "Moody Blues" reminds me of Bill/ Darrow and his tarantulas. Broadway music and Ralph and Kathy go hand in hand as well as thoughts of my playing cello in the " pit orchestra" for high school musicals.Classical music makes me think of Ruth Kelly, Lon Seaboldt and Melanie Korpi. Clay Aiken, Yanni, and contemporary Christian music just shout thoughts of my dear Ms.Loretta.Lastly, whenever I hear Guaraldi's Charlie Brown music, I think of my talented, beloved son Adam.I am reminded of Shakespeare who quipped,"If music be the food of love, play on.Give me excess of it."
Friday, August 2, 2013
Past lapses of judgment
I've been absurd, ridiculous, irreverent ,careless and altogether flawed at times,and sometimes I had some technically illegal fun in my youth - nothing dramatically awful though.I sowed my wild oats before I had my children ; in fact, I'm rather staid now. Some past not- so- proud- of- myself- but- I enjoyed- them - at- the - moment transgressions of mine in no particular chronological sequence:serving Exlax laden birthday cake for a high school French teacher I despised,putting pungent cat poop( remember this, Jeannine?) in a misogynistic co- worker's desk drawer,frolicking way too much in Italy with Sue Ann, getting over- the- top drunk with Pat and driving a car( Was that wild teacher hangout called Mill Street Inn?), going to the movie theater and watching 2 , sometimes 3, movies in a row with only one paid ticket, carousing with Felicia, absconding with some native American trinkets at the Grand Canyon with Ruth,watching "Deep Throat" at a really seedy movie house south of 8 Mile Rd. with Alfredo ( I had to get out of there before the movie was over, because there were really perverted men in the audience),posing naked as a model for an art class,cramming more than two people into a pup tent in Europe with Janet, writing an anonymous, erotic love letter to one of my college professors at U of M, unknowingly eating a magic brownie and subsequently writing graffiti on a public bathroom wall,seeing how fast my camaro could go on I-94( over 118 mph btw), hitch hiking ( not recommended), and many other occurrences ( remember St. Martin, Jeannine?) which will go unmentioned for now - " pure as New York snow, she's got Betty Davis eyes." Youth is meant for shenanigans and escapades, n'est pas?
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Books have been a huge part of my life.My mom didn't really read to us when we were toddlers, but I always saw her reading, and I found that to be a wonderful example for what to do when you have spare time( or make time). My dad liked to read war stories, but that genre never really has appealed to me. Every day, however, I would see my dad reading the paper all the way through.I, as a very young kid, would read the comic strips and that was about it, but I eventually picked up his habit, and read the paper along side him.When I was seven, my mom gave me her collection of "Nancy Drew" books, which she got when she was a little girl.It was to be my" summer reading". Her books were first editions from the Thirties, when she was growing up, and I treasure them. "The Hidden Staircase" was the first one I read, and I was hooked.That plain covered, blue book with a slightly musty smell and a frayed corner is one of my personal treasures.I read every one of those books in two weeks, and that marked the beginning of my wearing eyeglasses. I was obsessed with going to the local library and checking out as many books as I could carry at one time. I started with mysteries, because of the Keene books, so I read all the Agatha Christie novels.I constantly had a book in my hand. I couldn't get enough. I was in seventh heaven when I was reading.I still feel that way.
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