Friday, March 13, 2015


I am getting over my " heart " saga fairly well. Six weeks later and I'm now resuming most activities. However, I'm now in cardiac rehab which is essentially monitored exercise for up to twelve weeks, three days per week. It's ok; I know that I need it, I tell myself unconvincingly. The next saga is about my eyes. I had cataracts removed a couple days ago; I 'm still healing. The worst part of post-op has been the 4 different types of eye drops. Until this afternoon's set, they burned like hell. So nice that has subsided; I can endure the blurriness and killer headaches a while longer. I don't need to wear a patch( I kind of wanted to do that actually).The cataract removal is commonplace, I know. Lots of tune ups going on... It is the next step that is bothersome - cornea replacement after Easter. That said, I can't fly until at least 8 weeks after my last procedure, and I already have cabin fever; taking a weekend road trip to Nashville mitigated that, at least..Nevertheless,let me just say , thank goodness for modern medicine. I am mollified by planning little daytime excursions to get me walking: Gibbs Gardens, wine country, the zoo( it's been years),and a farmer's market or two. Well that catches you up,albeit malady related. I will be overjoyed when these health issues are behind me.I never thought I would be so absorbed with medical crap. I can't even have a glass of wine right now because of antibiotics. Oh woe I me.... Ha!